Gratitude = Happiness = Awareness

Everyone’s innate intuitive ability naturally gets stronger when we enter into a prayer state, and a sincere “Thank you!” is the most heart-centered prayer there is.  The more we consciously choose to be in that spiritual space, the happier and more powerful we become.
Not only are gratitude, happiness and psychic awareness closely linked — they’re all, quite literally, a choice — a conscious decision on your part to make them the focus in your life, your relationships, your work — the whole enchilada.
One of the ways this is manifesting is in a whole new branch of mental health, “Positive Psychology,” founded by Dr. Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Seligman respected how traditional psychology studied behavioral problems, but wanted to focus on “the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.” (Positive Psychology Center website) 
I participated in some clinical studies Dr. Seligman and his students were doing to measure and nurture a positive, happy state of mind, and one of the exercises was so powerful I have to share it with you.
Each night, before you fall asleep, jot down three positive things that happened to you that day. Then, write down what your role was in making those things happen. This little ritual causes some major positive shifts immediately.
First of all, instead of ever thinking, “What else can go wrong?” you click into the gear of eagerly anticipating what wonderful things are going to unfold in your day.  This automatically makes you happy.  Since you’re also noting your role in causing these marvelous things to happen, you’re proactively CHOOSING to focus your intent, and your actions, on doing positive, happy things.  As my environmental engineer friend Herb loves to say, “How can it get any better than this?”
Give it a try this month, and let me know how things begin to shift for you.  You’ll realize there are a ton of reasons in your life to be happy RIGHT NOW.  As you’re journaling your top three wonderful events of the day, you’ll feel that surge of gratitude for your limitless opportunities. And just choosing to be in that spiritually high place of joy and thankfulness will super-charge your intuitive awareness in ways you can’t begin to imagine yet.
Honestly — just try it for a week.  Pretty soon you’ll know that every day is truly a day of thanksgiving.