We’re Waking Up

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“God is alive, magic is afoot.”

– Leonard Cohen

For decades, when I prayed to understand the meaning of December 21, 2012, I always got the same divine answer: “It’s all about the consciousness.” We weren’t supposed to be living in fear that our world was about to end (unless you’re a Twinkie) — but rather we had to shift our focus to embrace an expanded view of our world, our interconnectedness and our natural intuitive abilities.

In the months since we passed that prophetic date, just about everyone I work with in private sessions, intuitive development workshops and Reiki classes is being activated by powerful, expansive energy.

One dramatic example happened in my March Practical Spirituality 101 class in Asheville.  Students pair up to read each other’s chakras, then share what they received with the entire class. Karen Miller, a Life Guide, described to Wendy Nethersole the images she “saw” in Wendy’s heart chakra. There was a swath of vibrant blue in various shades, lots of light, and a dove.

Wendy thought Karen was picking up on her company, Anam Cara. I had a different interpretation. I reminded Wendy about the beautiful painting her late mother created, showing a little girl on a beach, bathed in brilliant sunlight and set against the blues of sea and sky. A white bird was taking flight at the girl’s feet.

Karen, who was flexing her intuitive muscles for the first time, was shocked. Wendy was overcome.  When she could speak, she shared that the next day was the anniversary of her mother’s death, and she had asked her mom to send her a message, through another person, to confirm her continuing presence in Wendy’s life. It was a beautiful validation both for Karen and Wendy!

Healers are reporting near miraculous results with both human and animal clients. Dreams are becoming more vivid, meditations are going deeper, and little flashes of insight are making everything more clear. We’re not waiting for the New Earth, we’re living in it. We just get to decide if we want to embrace the new possibilities, or get dragged into them, kicking and screaming. “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they’re yours,” says Richard Bach in Illusions. 

Here’s to less arguing, and more expanding our hearts, minds and spirits to soak up the divine clarity that’s now there for the taking.  Make it a magical June!
